Until now, I have made it to the 7th week of Y Combinator start-up school (YCSS) and learned so much! The last post was July 16, I’ve come so far and noticed how quickly time flies when you are on a schedule. When YCSS finally ends I will be investing more time in posting and structuring. To think, the amounts of individuals that I’ve spoken to, the new friendships, the fundraising, the traveling (to San Mateo 🤗… which is a 40 min drive lol), and the overall experience. I can’t say I’ll miss it because this is what I do lol… AWESOME!
Quick summary of the weeks and lesson titles.
What is Startup School and where it will take you
Evaluate your idea and example of the grind
How to plan an MVP, set your KPI’s, and business models
How to get your first customers and talk with them. More examples
How to pivot out of tarpit ideas and build something people want.
Importance of Co-founders and how Fundraising works
All about the Y
Which Week Are You Interested In?
Weeks 1-3
Weeks 4-6
Weeks 7
BootCamp Coding
Harvard CS50 is absolutely amazing! After some research, I found the best solution for my coding needs. Can’t help but feel the greatness of attending Harvard, albeit a program and not the actual school BUT WHO CARES!! I took a Harvard class and got a pretty paper for it too! lets goooo😎.
Ok, ok I’ll be honest… haven’t finished it yet but I am on the 4th week of a 10-week program so I’ll be getting there soon enough.
The MVP is ooUutt!! The button on the top will lead you to the form version of the MVP and the android app is installed on my phone! If you are interested in downloading the MVP subscribe and I’ll send the link to the download!
“If you are not ashamed of your MVP, you aren’t moving quick enough” -YCombinator
aaanndd man, am I afraid of people downloading it! It’s clunky, it’s buggy, it’s missing main features, and overall a pretty underwhelming experience… but it’s mmmiinneee 🥰 and with everything that I learned, it was well worth it. (maybe lol)
If you are interested in joining the alpha sign up
Social media presense!
Some of you have already been a victim of my social media presence! muahahaha. I have revamped my Instagram page to fit the business better as well as joined TikTok. I know, I know. How dare I!? But something can be said with the heavy amount of people that use it on a daily. So Why Not? For those that have already been serviced by me. We always have a good conversation, a good time, and fun catching up and being a community.
Keep up with my venture as I start to unravel the craziness of my journey. With starting up a startup, podcast, learning to code, barber blog for all your handsome looks & needs, and more, join this journey with me!